Friday 4 January 2013

Get There First

Our dogs get along nicely, but there's no mistaking their competitive instinct when it comes to one important thing: sticks

You can be walking along nicely, enjoying the scenery when WHAM! a stick appears. 

Not just any stick. THE stick. The MUST HAVE stick. 

And they'll both lunge for it, prepared to fight for it if necessary. 

The moral of this story: if it's important, get there first

So many business people become complacent in their hunt for the proverbial stick. Complacency sets in gradually. There are sometimes sticks everywhere. Often enough to go around. So we don't fight for the stick. We're certainly not prepared to lunge for it. We let go of that competitive instinct, and it's not good for business. 

But dogs know that competition is healthy. That's why, in a crowded woodland literally full of sticks, they instinctively pick ONE and go for it, pitting themselves against each other. 

One wins, the other doesn't. But one thing's for sure, they'll never lose that instinct. 

When was the last time you lunged for a stick?

Go on, try it. 

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