Friday 11 January 2013

A Different Direction

We decided to walk the same way, a different way, today. 

You'd think we'd re-discovered the world

All we did was go on the walk backwards (not literally, technically speaking: in reverse) but it was a whole new game. 

Trees look different from the "other" side. The scenery has changed. The people we meet has shifted. And it all smells so interesting.

We can sometimes get stuck in a rut in business, doing the same things day in, day out, going the same way, talking to the same people. 

Just by varying the approach, even slightly (same route, different direction) we can get a new perspective on things and make our lives so much more interesting.

When was the last time you got stuck trying to solve a problem? Why not come at it from another angle?

When was the last time you varied your route to work? I try to change mine every few days - just for fun. 

When was the last time you sat down and re-planned your week? 

Cancelled meetings that you don't need? 

Set up meetings that you never have time for? 

Put some time aside just for thinking and exploring ideas?

Coming at things from a different direction is an essential business skill. It makes things more interesting, gives a fuller understanding of your competitive environment, opens up opportunities you'd never noticed before and, generally, keeps things fresh.

So go on, get your nose to the ground and change direction.  

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