Wednesday 2 January 2013

Attitude is Everything

Out of Reach? No Problem. There must be a way....
When it comes to doing the same thing day in, day out, our dogs have got it covered. 

Fundamentally their day consists of a combination of eating, walking, sleeping and repeating. Not entirely unlike us humans. 

But what I have always admired about our dogs is their unfailing positive attitude towards this "groundhog" day approach to life. Even when they are feeling below par, there's no stopping them. 

Every day they start afresh. Excited beyond comprehension to see us emerge from a night's sleep. Ecstatic about us serving up the same breakfast as the day before. Euphoric about going on the same walk as earlier that same day. 

Life, from a dog's perspective, could not get better. 

They love it. 

It has always struck me that developing a business takes a similar tenacity in the ongoing maintenance of attitude. And believe me it's hard. It took me fully five years in business before I really got mine under control, by which I mean I can choose whether to give in to negativity or rise above it. 

That's been partly down to experience, but mainly down to blooming hard work on my part not to let my emotions get the better of me, or to learn how to refocus that negative energy in a positive direction. 

Fall "below the line" and it takes monumental human effort to pull yourself back up above it and move on. 

Molly and Toby do this naturally, without even thinking. They never doubt, for even one minute, that the leader knows what they are doing, and that they are off on some major adventure which they are truly going to enjoy. No fear. 

How much more effective could you be in your business if you could harness and increase your positive focus? 

How much better would your day be if you went at it, head on, with your head held high and your tail (metaphorically speaking) wagging? 

I know that whenever I feel things are getting on top of me, Molly and Toby put it all back into perspective:  It's just another adventure. Sure, it might be a bigger challenge than normal, but it's still an adventure. 

Let's take it on!

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