A dog's world is a relatively simple one.
Aside from seeing the world predominantly in black and white, they depend on routine, regular exercise and regular food to keep them happy.
The simplicity is, actually, rather startling.
With this little, they can be truly content. Throw in a comfy sofa, a roaring log fire and some cuddly humans and you've got one happy pup.
So back to business. How can a dog's approach to life help you make a difference, day to day, in your company?
Well it strikes me that, all to often, my role as a marketer is to actually help companies simplify their messaging and clear out the clutter. There's a real temptation in business to complicate matters. We think it should be difficult, challenging, complex. That it will take time, effort, excellence to reach the top. Every article we ever read about a successful business, or a successful business person, tells us so.
But actually, it's really very simple.
Really. No tricks.
Companies thrive on routine, regular investment and regular goal setting to keep them happy.
Routine. Systems, processes, communication, call it what you want but it all adds up to things you do. Again, and again, and again. Make sure you have them in your company - they can change how you operate, forever.
Investment. The right kit, the right people, the right location. Whatever works for your business, but make sure you keep it fresh. People don't work so efficiently on slow computers with out of date software - how mach faster can your business run if you simply updated that one thing?
Goals. Let's not get comfortable. Set your sights on something ahead and go for it. This is your exercise. For the dogs it might be fetching a ball, for your company it might be getting to number one in your market. Whatever it is, define it and go for it.
See. That's pretty simple, isn't it?
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